We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchases! You may return or exchange your item(s) within 14 days of receipt, provided that the product is in its original condition and accompanied by the original sales receipt and product tag(s).
To return or exchange an item, please contact us with the reason for the return or exchange and, if it is an exchange, the product that you request in exchange.
We are unable to refund original shipping and handling costs on returned items. For items that were shipped to you free of charge, you will be responsible for round-trip shipping costs on any returns that are not damaged or incorrect.
For your security, please ship your package with an insured courier (FedEx, UPS, Canada Post, USPS Parcel Post) that provides a tracking number and requires a signature for verification of delivery, and retain your receipt – MHO Adventures IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ITEMS LOST OR DAMAGED IN TRANSIT.
Packages must be sent with freight prepaid. COD SHIPMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
All special orders, sale items and food items are FINAL SALE. No returns or exchanges will be authorized on these items.