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Thunderhouse Cookbook




4th Edition of our MHO Cookbook is now available – revised Spring 2022 – 8.5″ x 11″ Spiral bound

Our On Trail Cookbook is a must have when heading out with expedition food supplied by MHO Adventures.  Full of recipes to help with ideas and portions when packing out your own food as well.

A 44 page, spiral bound guide including tips on re-hydrating, baking and managing your menu as well as common ratios. With Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Baking sections including detailed preparation / cooking instructions for all of our meals.

PDF Version available.  Will be emailed after order has been received.

NEW: Our Thunderhouse Cookbook is now available on Amazon Prime. $20, free delivery and on your doorstep before you know it!  It is NOT spiral bound and it is printed in black and white with a colour front and back cover